Lin Wood Special Broadcast: A Process WILL Play Out To Put President Trump Back In Office!

A friend just sent me this interview with Lin Wood that just happened yesterday. So it’s very current and very fresh.
You’re not going to want to miss this, there is amazing stuff in here. Not the least of which is Lin Wood encouraging everyone to be calm and wait for the process to play out. Wood sounds extremely calm and confident that President Trump will indeed be serving another term in office. Yes, even as dark as it looks right now! And I’m right there with him. (and so is Hank Kunneman and Kat Kerr, to name a couple others) Not only that but Wood went on to talk about how the plan could very well involve dissolving America, Inc. and heading back to a republic! There has been a LOT of talk about that recently, and it’s sounding more and more likely to me. And if that’s the case, Wood says President Trump may also be unrestricted by a two-term limit! Oh baby! You just need to hear Lin Wood lay it all out…. out….


  1. Replies
    1. Hello, LTC (r) Sue Bozgoz here. I am a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel, ADA Advocate (Civil Rights Activist for those with Disabilities). I have a REAL TIME DC Case with over 110 Defendant from the Swamp. I and can prove DC "aka" is a USA Criminal Corporation and turned us into slaves see: and the DC State Department and Japan allows illegal human experiments on our American Children see: and

      Also, please note that someone (troll) signed into GAB using my margaret.bozgoz@comcast account and Sbozgoz user name.

      To see the REAL TIME DC aka USA INC., Corruption, please see my YOUTUBE Channel as everything is real via DC Court Case, DC Court of Appeals, and affidavit., and

    2. How is YouTube letting leaving your posts up if they are so damning to the left?

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