Member Of President Trump Legal Team Just Released Info That Will Change The Entire Election!

Sidney Powell, a member of President Trump’s legal team, alleged that Democrats had a widespread voter fraud operation on Election Day, saying an audit on all computer systems “that played a role” is necessary. “The computer glitches could not and should not have happened at all,” she told Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo on Sunday. “That’s where the fraud took place where they were flipping votes in the computer system or adding votes that did not exist. We need an audit of all of the computer systems that played any role in this fraud whatsoever,” Red State News reports. “We need an audit of all of the computer systems that played any role in this fraud. “Joe Biden had it right, he said he had the biggest voter fraud organization ever.” – @SidneyPowell1#StopTheSteal — Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) November 9, 2020 Further investigation is not just needed, it should be required due to all the reports coming out about corruption and magic “glitches” that gave Biden ridiculous leads in the ballots. This is one of the most important elections some of us will ever take part in, in our lifetime and clearly the future of our nation is teetering on a fuse to a powder keg. Red State went on to report that Sidney Powell stated: “I’ve never seen voting machines stop in the middle of an election, stop down and assess the situation, I also see reports that Nancy Pelosi’s longtime chief of staff is a key executive at that company,” Bartiromo said, referring to Nadeam Elshami, who became a lobbyist for Dominion last year. “Richard Blum, Sen. Feinstein’s husband, significant shareholder of that company,” the Fox News host added. “What can you tell us about the interests on the other side of this Dominion software? “Obviously they have invested in it for their own reasons and are using it to commit this fraud to steal votes,” responded Powell, who’s also the lead attorney for retired Gen. Michael Flynn. “I think they’ve even stolen them from other Democrats in their own party who should be outraged about this also. Bernie Sanders might very well have been the Democratic candidate. But they’ve stolen it from whoever they wanted to steal it from.” These voting systems should never even have been allowed for use in our voting system due to Pelosi and Feinstein having the greedy corrupt hands all over them and in control of them. In an explosive statement, Sidney Powell stated that the Democrats had this plan in place to defeat President Trump, should trump take the lead in the key states: “They had this all planned, Maria, they had the algorithms, they had the paper ballots waiting to be inserted if and when needed and notably President Trump’s vote in the blue states went up enormously,” she continued. “That’s when they had to stop the vote count, and go in and replace votes for Biden and take away Trump votes.” People should be furious with all the cheating and corruption from the swampers. It seems people are immune to the political system because it has long been plagued with corruption and greed. We must cling to hope, hope that the truth will prevail and our nation will one day, once again, have freedom and our constitutional rights restored. “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”


  1. This is really too much of the same thing we have heard & known. We the people want Justice Not tomorrow but right NOW. Right we are OUTRAGED at this. How much in the face proof do we need? Already we know about China CCP Interference of the Election, CIA knew & did Not want it reported and also False Documentation & Suppression of Information. Look here, we have a Breach of National Security by the CIA & the Biden ADMINISTRATION..What in the Hell can this Not be Evidence. This is looking even Supreme Court in the eyes. Something better be done! Sidney & L.Wood we are waiting. This report is what we know but nothing of what we have done. Now Justice we want to see results.

    1. Imagine this corrupt power structure has not only the media...but other heads of government that can coordinate planned attacks on the American people if they don't get their way. HUGE amounts of destruction could be unleashed. With the help of the media it is spun that MAGA was responsible. The only thing stopping it them from doing that is the belief that they have won. This is the art of war. Appear weak, when you are strong. Its the only way to keep the people safe. Have faith..there may be a time for action..that time is not quite here.

  2. Am i reading it correctly? "Will change the entire election?" When? How? or is Q still in play?

    1. this was over two years ago and your watching a movie. Cant you tell?Havent you seen enough madness to understand using logivcal thinking and if your with us at Q you'd be laughing your ass off at the Insane actions and complete idiocy of Bidens Build Back Better UN Plan that was the issue the entire time Agenda 2030

  3. I feel defeated, let down, lied to....I thought declassification of all the lies and election fraud and pedofila would be shown to the world and things were going to change for the better and Trump would be the 19th president under the "real" constitution. I just am so let down and that is an understatement!

    1. how,how do show it,Did you get that these people only put their people in,You were not let down,lied too.What you learned was true.Is True.I always wondered how you'd end this and never had a reasonable answer?MSM Forget that?E.B.S.?How do you cut in on peoples phones and show devestating shit like their crimes?Can you imagine if they fake the wars,LA riots,9/11.Boston Marathon we can have them wrapped up in a bow and in custody now.OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD.

  4. if massive nationwide election fraud is proven to have given the presidency to criminal Biden, we must remove him and the rest of his corrupt administration. I dislike saying this but a violent overthrow may be necessary. If election fraud gave the election to Biden, the American people must not allow allow Biden and his administration to remain in office. My dear Patriots, please read the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Our founders expected and demanded the American people remove a corrupt and illegitimate Tyranny.

    1. We need to push the Convention of States by encouraging EVERY State to join in!

  5. I be been listening to an excellent podcast at bards of war..he's reading the federalists papers...he will read #3 today. Easy,excellent way to learn.💞

  6. Replies
    1. thats what a moron says.Whats it mean and your the only one that needs satisfaction.Do you understand the scope?The corruption and pedophila,satanic rituals and abuses if not enjoy myour SB Watching the GOAT Tom Brady RAM vs Pa Trick Mahomes cia.trick ram/prick/he she in the battle of Transgendered QBS after 2 weeks of celebrating Candlmas.THE SB IS A RITUAL,BORDER STATE,2 WEEKS AND A SHIT SHOW GAME WITH SATANIC HALFTIME.WEEK ONE RITUALS,THATS WHY ITS THE MOST HUMAN TRAFFICKED EVENT IN THE WORLD.WHY ELSE?YOU AND ME ARE NOT THERE.THE ELITE AND MEDIA ARE AND ITS CANDLMAS. put that in perspective

  7. Simple solution, "YOU CHEAT, YOU LOSE".

  8. Who will arrest? They are in power.

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