Texas Files Lawsuit Against Biden’s Immigration Policy

Texas Files Lawsuit Against Biden’s Immigration Policy
Joe Biden’s administration is already receiving fierce resistance from the State of Texas, which has decided to sue over Biden’s executive order freezing the deportation of illegal immigrants from the state.

The legal action, brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, specifically seeks to stop an “unconstitutional, illegal, and bad” freeze on deportations of illegal immigrants from the state.

Paxton revealed the lawsuit Friday, stating that it was brought only after Biden refused to undo an order issued by his Department of Homeland Security halting the removals.

“I told [the Department of Homeland Security] and [Biden] last night to rescind its deportation freeze, which is unconstitutional, illegal, and bad for Texas and the nation,” Paxton of the lawsuit on Twitter. “They didn’t budge.”

The lawsuit claims that Biden’s move would cause the state major financial harm.

“A higher number of illegal aliens in Texas leads to budgetary harms, including higher education and healthcare costs,” the lawsuit says.

“This unlawful reversal will cause Texas immediate and irreparable harm if it is not enjoined.”

Biden’s move to freeze deportations for 100 days, which was a promise of his presidential campaign, has already begun being implemented by ICE. It represents a complete reversal of Donald Trump’s policies seeking aggressive deportations.

“We’re talking about a complete 180 on what the last administration compelled ICE to do,” John Amaya, a former top ICE official during the Obama administration, said of the move.

The freeze is designed to be temporary, giving the administration and opportunity to explore new avenues of immigration enforcement that are likely to continue to be much different than seen under Trump.

“I think we’re going to land somewhere that is going to be palatable, not only for the officers of the agency, but certainly for the community,” Amaya said. “It’s going to assure everyone that not only are the most dangerous elements within society being removed, but we’re also giving everyone who deserves an opportunity at due process to be seen and be heard in front of a judge.”


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