
Showing posts from January, 2021

Trump says he will stay in politics amid Republican discord

Trump pledges to help Republicans take back Congress, complicating the efforts of some to move on from his controversies. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy moved to cement Donald Trump's support for Republican candidates in next year's midterms [File: Alex Brandon/AP Photo] House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy moved to cement Donald Trump's support for Republican candidates in next year's midterms. As Republicans begin charting a turbulent future without a clear head of the party, former President Donald Trump has declared he can propel them to victory in next year’s congressional midterm elections. “President Trump’s popularity has never been stronger than it is today, and his endorsement means more than perhaps any endorsement at any time,” read a statement sent out by Trump’s Save America political action committee following a meeting Thursday with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. “President Trump has agreed to work with Leader McCarthy on helping the Repub

Trump Officially Launches “Office of the Former President”

Former President Donald Trump has started to emerge from a quiet week following the inauguration of Joe Biden, officially opening an “Office of the Former President” to continue working on his political agenda. A statement from the office Monday night said it will manage Trump’s correspondence, public statements, appearances and official activities to “advance the interest of the United States.” The office will also “carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration through advocacy, organizing, and public activism,” the statement says. Trump caused speculation over the last week regarding his plans after leaving office, remarking in a farewell video the day before the inauguration that his term in office “was only just the beginning” of his political movement. “As I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning,” Trump said. “There’s never been anything like it. The belief that a nation

Trump endorses Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Arkansas governor

Trump endorses Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Arkansas governor   Former President Donald Trump endorsed Sarah Huckabee Sanders in her run for Arkansas governor on Monday night, saying she will "always fight" for the people of the state and "do what is right." Sanders served as Trump's White House press secretary until June 2019. She joined the Fox News Channel as a paid, on-air contributor in September 2019. A Fox News Media spokesperson confirmed on Sunday that her contributor agreement with the network has been terminated. "Sarah is strong on Borders, tough on Crime, and fully supports the Second Amendment and our great law enforcement officers," Trump said in a statement. "She loves our Military and Veterans -- and her home state of Arkansas," he continued. "Sarah will be a GREAT Governor, and she has my Complete and Total Endorsement!" Sanders announced on a nearly eight-minute video that she will defend those in the state fo

Texas Files Lawsuit Against Biden’s Immigration Policy

Texas Files Lawsuit Against Biden’s Immigration Policy J oe Biden’s administration is already receiving fierce resistance from the State of Texas, which has decided to sue over Biden’s executive order freezing the deportation of illegal immigrants from the state. The legal action, brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, specifically seeks to stop an “unconstitutional, illegal, and bad” freeze on deportations of illegal immigrants from the state. Paxton revealed the  lawsuit  Friday, stating that it was brought only after Biden refused to undo an order issued by his Department of Homeland Security halting the removals. “I told [the Department of Homeland Security] and [Biden] last night to rescind its deportation freeze, which is unconstitutional, illegal, and bad for Texas and the nation,” Paxton of the lawsuit on Twitter. “They didn’t budge.” The lawsuit claims that Biden’s move would cause the state major financial harm. “A higher number of illegal aliens in Texas leads to bud

Lawmakers Respond to Biden’s Decision to Have US Rejoin WHO

President Joe Biden’s decision to halt the United States’ withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) has received mixed reactions from Congress. “Having the United States rejoin the World Health Organization without it undergoing serious reforms is foolish,” stated Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), who is a ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, in a Jan. 20 press release. Comer added: “From the very start of the coronavirus pandemic, the WHO and Secretary-General Tedros have proven that their priority has been to abet the Chinese government at the expense of the American people and the rest of the world. He also criticized the WHO for repeating the Chinese regime’s propaganda. “While China spread misinformation so it could hoard medical supplies, the WHO parroted China’s lies denying human to human transmission of the virus and Tedros praised them for their transparency,” he said. Beijing did not publicly acknowledge that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) vi

BREAKING: Trump Team’s Peter Navarro Drops Third Major Report on Historic Election Fraud — Confirms “Trump Won”

  Peter Navarro from the Trump Team just released his third report from the 2020 Election – this one proving President Trump won the election. The  Populist Press  just reported that Peter Navarro from the Trump Team has released a report showing President Trump won the 2020 artin. Volume 3 of the Navarro Report  is designed to serve as a capstone to what has been a comprehensive analysis of the question: Was the 2020 presidential election stolen from Donald J. Trump? In this report, we provide the most up-to-date statistical “receipts” with respect to the potential number of illegal votes in each battleground state. In the report it begins by discussing the first and second reports and then shares this: Volume 3 of the Navarro Report is designed to serve as a capstone to what has been a comprehensive analysis of the question: Was the 2020 presidential election stolen from Donald J. Trump? In this report, we provide the most up-to-date statistical “receipts” with respect to the pote

Lin Wood Special Broadcast: A Process WILL Play Out To Put President Trump Back In Office!

A friend just sent me this interview with Lin Wood that just happened yesterday. So it’s very current and very fresh. You’re not going to want to miss this, there is amazing stuff in here. Not the least of which is Lin Wood encouraging everyone to be calm and wait for the process to play out. Wood sounds extremely calm and confident that President Trump will indeed be serving another term in office. Yes, even as dark as it looks right now! And I’m right there with him. (and so is Hank Kunneman and Kat Kerr, to name a couple others) Not only that but Wood went on to talk about how the plan could very well involve dissolving America, Inc. and heading back to a republic! There has been a LOT of talk about that recently, and it’s sounding more and more likely to me. And if that’s the case, Wood says President Trump may also be unrestricted by a two-term limit! Oh baby! You just need to hear Lin Wood lay it all out…. out….

Trump Floats Idea of Creating a New Political Party

Trump Floats Idea of Creating a New Political Party P resident Trump has discussed the idea of launching his own political party after leaving office, apparently not ready to forgive the GOP after some of its members voted for impeachment or abandoned their quest to object to electoral college certification. Sources familiar with the matter  told the WSJ  that the president discussed the potential of starting a third party with close aides and associates. The name of the party would be the “Patriot Party,” the WSJ reported. The White House had declined comment at the time the report was released, and it was unclear whether the president was serious or simply discussing the possibility as a hypothetical. While Trump lost the support in recent weeks of some Republicans, the president still maintains an enthusiastic base of support both among voters and among many GOP lawmakers. But what was once a unified party around Trump has begun to show cracks after the siege of the U.S. Capitol e

Trump has finally shuffled off the world stage. Good riddance

  As Obama used to say, presidents are part of a long-running story. Trump’s paragraph was nasty, brutish and short In so many ways it was all so gloriously, spectacularly, crushingly normal. The ceremonial rituals, the military band, the procession of dignitaries, the sprinkling of stars, and the entirely forgettable inaugural speech. But for the pandemic masks, the death toll of more than 400,000 Americans, and the small army to deter another white supremacist insurrection, the scenes on the west side of the Capitol were the first signs of a restoration of democracy that came perilously close to collapse. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr swore to protect and defend the constitution on a giant family Bible that was bigger than his home state of Delaware. It appeared helpful for crushing large insects and small insurrectionists. If anything survives in our collective memories of Biden’s speech, it will be the 46th president’s commitment to what used to be boilerplate language about the vital


  Assuming this recording is legit it sounds like Kamala Harris agreed to accept dirt on Trump from foreigners


Firebrand freshman Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia said Wednesday that she will be filing articles of impeachment against President-elect Joe Biden on the day after he takes office. “I’m tired of Republicans who lay down and allow this country to be ravaged, allow Democrats to abuse their power in their positions, and I believe it’s time for Republicans to stand up for the American people and do a good job in Congress,” Greene said Wednesday on the Newsmax show “Greg Kelly Reports.” I would like to announce on behalf of the American people, we have to make sure that our leaders are held accountable,” she said. “We cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies. “So, on Jan. 21, I will be filing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden.” “I’m a big believer in having people in office that are actually wi

Twitter temporarily suspends account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Twitter temporarily suspends account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Twitter temporarily suspends account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Twitter announced Sunday it had suspended the account of freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for 12 hours. The Georgia Republican’s last post to the site was a video in which she continued to allege debunked and unfounded conspiracy theories about widespread voter fraud in Georgia. Twitter flagged the post with a warning and blocked users from liking or commenting on the post.In another post earlier in the day, Greene attacked Gabriel Sterling, Georgia's voter system implementation manager, spreading a false claim about alleged corruption from Dominion voting machines. "Morons like you are responsible for losing GA’s 2 Republican Senate seats," Greene said. The post was again flagged by Twitter for spreading misinformationGreene is a firebrand conspiracy theorist who has claimed the United States is experiencing an "Islamic inva


President Donald Trump on Thursday affirmed that there will be an orderly transition of power to President-elect Joe Biden. A statement from Trump tweeted by White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Director of Social Media Dan Scavino came following unprecedented scenes of a disorderly mob running amok in the U.S. Capitol after a “Stop the Steal” protest morphed into a wild riot that surged through the Capitol Building, forcing a lockdown and triggering gunfire. Since Twitter, YouTube and Facebook have blocked Trump from directly communicating on social media as he has throughout his presidency, the message was tweeted by his son Eric Trump. Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio read the statement on the House floor, according to The New York Times. “Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th,” the tweeted statement read. “I have always said we woul